


You will improve focus and heighten awareness with Concentration Grids.

An important part of mental performance training for decades, concentration grids provide a great way to train focus and increase awareness.

We have taken this training to an even higher level by increasing the difficulty levels, adding real in game sounds and ramping up the distraction levels.

The concentration gym will train you to concentrate and focus in the now and develop your awareness so you recognize if you are in the past or future instead of the present moment and if your are moving quicker than you can currently process. Some athletes may get frustrated as their times may not be as quick as other athletes. Persistence and consistency using the grids pays off over time. Trust the process. This is a proven way to maximize your focus and increase your awareness which translates to the ice almost immediately.

The Concentration Gym records your times, keeps a log of your training and your scores. It also compares it to other athletes. There is a leaderboard daily, weekly and monthly.

Choose a focus and awareness training program and then stay consistent and persistent to the process.

Athletes say that they become aware of when they come out of being in the moment and mentally time travel to the past or the future instead of being in the present. They also say they become super aware if they are not relaxed and so to speak ‘trying too hard’. Because you will recognize these mental slip ups your brain will build stronger muscles to get right back to focus.

Lastly, this is meant to be fun and competitive for you to help enhance the enjoyment of your training.

"You Have Greatness Within You!"

Pete Fry "The Goalie/Hockey Mindset Guy

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